Susan Deixler is a 77 years old woman. She is popularly known as the wife of Barry Manilow. Barry Manilow was a pop icon of the 1970s. He was a singer and songwriter. They met each other at a young age. Later they decided to get married. However, life didn’t happen as it was expected. Even after all these years they seem to respect each other and get along quite well. Susan Deixler was just 19 years old when she accepted Barry as her husband. Susan was called a ‘perfect wife’ in Barry Manilow’s autobiography. Susan never got married again after she parted her way from Barry. Let’s have a look into their life and what happened to their relationship after their break-up. Keep reading to know more interesting facts about Susan Deixler.

Net Worth

Susan Deixler’s networth is $1 million. She is a care manager in a nursing service organization in California. Other than this information we don’t know about her other possession and incomes.

She has supported her children alone as she is a single mother. She is a mother of two succesful daughter. One of them is lawyer and other one is a musician. They also must have helped her financially if she needs any. However she seems happy in her job and enjoys it very much. Susan has been living a well maintained life with her two succesful daughters.


Susan Deixler lives with her children. As per sources she is mother of two children. After her separation with Barry Manilow she chose to be a holistic Healer and produced two children. The names of her children are Pauline and Danny. Pauline is 41 years old while Danny is 36 years old. She might have had a happy family like any other couple but she chose to be single after splitting with Barry. She hadn’t shared the exact reason for this decision of hers but whatever the reason she is still  happy. She proved that you don’t have to depend on someone else for the sake of your own happiness. You can simply make it happen in your own way. So Susan Deixler has two members in her family and that’s her two children. Her daughters are lawyer and singer. Her children are well educated and Susan has done her best to give them a happy and healthy life.

Age, Birthday, Height, Weight

Susan Deixler is 77 years old as per 2022.  it’s quite difficult to tell her exact birth date. However she is a senior citizen and maintains good health.  She is a beautiful woman with white hair. She has fair skin tone and Black eyes. As per her ex-husband she has the brightest smile that has the power to light the whole room. He has also shared many beautiful things about her. This shows how close and in love they were. Even after all these years they never fail to adore and encourage each other. At present she is in California with her two children and living with them happily.

Early Life

Susan Deixler’s early life is incomplete without mentioning Barry Manilow. He was a very important part of her past life. Mainly people know Susan because of her relationship with Barry. She is his ex wife. They met each other at a very young age. They were in their teenage years when they chose to spend their life together. However things didn’t go well. She had completed her high school studies from eastern district High school, Brooklyn New York. She has happened to be the most beautiful girl in the entire school while Barry was a heartthrob musician. This was how all these started and at the age of 19 when Susan was just a highschool student married Barry. In the teenage years everything seems like a fairy tail and it feels like life will be exactly how we imagine. But the truth is quite harsh and unexpectedly disturbing. However in the later years they have figured out how to overcome that situation and proceed in life.


Susan Deixler is a nurse by profession. She has devoted her life to nursing. She is a care manager in California in a housing nursing service organization for senior citizens. After her separation she never tried to get involved in another relationship or have a family to look after. Rather she devoted her energy in helping the weaker section of society. She enjoys her work and very enthusiastic about it  However she is a mother of two and did her best to give them a successful life.


Susan Deixler, ex wife of Barry Manilow. This is the most highlighted relationship status of her. In 1964,at a very young age of 19 Susan planned to marry Barry Manilow. They were very young at that time yet deeply in love. Many called them teenage sweethearts. However their childish decision wasn’t really fruitful. In the next year they wanted to get out of that relationship and Susan had a marriage annulled in 1966. At present she is single and she had been single since her divorce. However when Barry Manilow decided to marry again, Susan congratulated him and wished him a happy life. Even after all this chaos they never seemed to disrespect each other and always wished the best for one another. According to Barry Manilow, Susan was a ‘Perfect wife. ‘ He further said that leaving her at that time to pursue his musical career was an immature decision. They might have had a successful relationship like any other couple if they were a little grown up. Anyways they are happy and successful in life and that’s all what matters.


Susan Deixler has done her High School Studies from Eastern District High school, Brooklyn, New York. Later she must have pursued her studies in nursing. As we aren’t sure about her personal life much. So we are just assuming that as she is a care manager in a nursing service organization, she must have studied about this too.