
Your shower should be a relaxing oasis where you can forget about your troubles and just enjoy the moment. But if you don’t have the right shower standing handle, then your relaxing oasis can quickly turn into a nightmare. There are a few things you need to keep in mind when choosing the right shower standing handle for your needs.

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about choosing the right shower standing handle. We will start by discussing the different types of handles available on the market. Then, we will move on to cover the important factors you need to keep in mind when making your decision. By the end of this guide, you will have all the information you need to choose the right shower standing handle for your needs.

Why is a standing handle important?

A standing handle is an important part of any shower, as it provides a safe and convenient way for you to enter and exit the shower. Without a standing handle, it can be difficult and dangerous to try to enter and exit the shower. A standing handle not only offers support and stability, but also allows you to adjust the temperature or mixer valve without having to reach over or turn too far. Additionally, standing handles come with a variety of design and decorative elements, allowing you to customize your shower to suit your own personal style. With a standing handle, you can create an oasis of relaxation and comfort within your shower.

What are the different types of standing handles?

There are a variety of standing handles available to suit different needs. Firstly, you will need to determine which type of standing handle you need. Generally speaking, standing handles come in single or double-handle designs. Single-handle designs require only one handle to be used for turning on and off the water, while double-handle designs feature two handles and are typically used to adjust water temperature. Additionally, you will also need to decide between a straight standing handle and a curved standing handle. As their names suggest, a straight standing handle has a straight handle, while a curved standing handle has an arched handle.

How do you choose the right one for your shower?

When it comes to choosing the right one for your shower, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, you will need to consider the size of the handle. Generally speaking, for a standard shower, you’ll need a handle that is at least 8 inches long. Secondly, you will need to consider the design and finish of the handle. You should choose a handle that either complements or matches any existing decor in your shower, such as the shower walls or curtains. Finally, you need to consider the mounting type of the handle. Generally speaking, you can either choose a surface-mounted handle or a concealed-mount handle.

What are the benefits of a standing handle?

A standing handle offers a variety of benefits. Firstly, it provides necessary support and stability, making it easier and safer to enter and exit the shower. Secondly, it allows you to adjust hot and cold water easily and quickly, without having to reach too far. Additionally, standing handles come in a variety of design and decorative elements, allowing you to customize your shower to suit your own personal style. Finally, standing handles are easy to install and require minimal care.

How do you install a standing handle?

Installing a standing handle is an easy task which can be completed within a few minutes. It is important to read through the instruction manual that comes with your handle before beginning. Generally speaking, you will need to determine the position of the handle, possibly by marking it with a pencil. Make sure you’re aware of any wires behind the wall as you’re drilling into it. After that, you will need to mark the surface with a drill bit to make a hole for the handle. Once the hole is made, insert the handle into the hole and use the mounting hardware provided to secure it. Finally, test your handle to make sure it is secure and functioning correctly.

How do you care for a standing handle?

Caring for a standing handle is easy, and it requires minimal effort. It is important to clean the handle regularly to ensure it remains in good condition. Generally speaking, you should wipe it with a damp cloth and mild soap every few weeks. You should also avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners as this could damage the handle’s finish. Additionally, you should check its mounting hardware regularly to ensure it is still secure. Finally, if you notice any damage or wear, you should repair or replace the handle as soon as possible.


: Choosing the right shower standing handle is an important decision. It can have a significant impact on the safety, convenience, and aesthetics of your shower. With this guide, you now have the tools and information you need to choose the best handle for your needs. Make sure you keep the important considerations discussed in this guide in mind when making your decision. With the right standing handle in place, you can look forward to a more comfortable and relaxing shower experience.